... to Miserably Abyssmal, the TFL-listed fanlisting for A Series of Unfortunate Events, written by Lemony Snicket.Wondering what a fanlisting is? According to TheFanlistings.org, it is simply "an online list of fans of a subject, such as a TV show, actor, or musician, that is created by an individual and open for fans from around the world to join." (x)
If you, too, are a "fan" -- although, of such a miserable tale, why would you be? -- feel free to join! All you need is an email and to list your name and country.
Last Updated. 02nd December 2024
Total Fans. 14 (+0) across 8 countries.
Latest. Rabbit
I am not affiliated with Daniel Handler or anyone else affiliated with ASoUE in any way; I am just a loving fan! I know this layout is very pink and unfitting, and I didn't mean for it to turn out that way, so it's probably just temporary!